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Lowongan Kerja PT Saptaindra Sejati
infolowongan.co.id – Lowongan kerja di PT Saptaindra Sejati
Saat ini PT Saptaindra Sejati (Adaro Energy) kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Mei 2024 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Saptaindra Sejati (Adaro Energy) Tahun 2024
Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.
Posisi Lowongan Kerja di PT Saptaindra Sejati:
1. Senior Officer – Finance Reporting
We are looking for an excellent individual to join our Adaro Warriors as a Senior officer finance reporting to handle our finance & accounting activities at our mining Head Office and Jobsite.
Requirements :
- Bachelor degree in Accounting or other related fields.
- Having minimum 2 years prior experience as Finance Reporting or any related position with similar tasks as Finance Reporting, (Preferably from Public Accountant Firm).
- Having strong analytical thinking and communication skill.
- Willing to be placed in South Jakarta (Head Office).
2. Officer – Account Payable
We are looking for an excellent individual to join our Adaro Warriors as an Officer Account Payable to handle our finance & accounting activities at our mining Head Office and Jobsite.
Requirements :
- Diploma or Bachelor degree in Accounting or other related fields.
- Having experience in handling account payable, taxes, data reconciliation, and invoicing (Preferably from Mining company).
- Understand SAP system and skilled in Microsoft Excel with proven certification is preferred.
- Having strong communication skill.
- Willingto be placed in South Jakarta (Head Office).
3. Officer – Industrial & Employee Relations
We are looking for an excellent individual to join our Adaro Warriors as an Officer – Industrial & Employee Relations to handle our HR activities at our mining Jobsite.
Requirements :
- Diploma or Bachelor degree in related fields.
- Have min 2 years’ experience in human resources operation (Preferably from Mining company).
- Strong knowledge with Government industrial relations regulation.
- Have strong communication and interpersonal skills
- Having the ability Writing & Reporting skill.
- Willingto be placed in our mining Jobsite.
4. Group Leader – Infrastruktur
We are looking for an excellent individual to join our Adaro Warriors as a Group Leader – Infrastructure to handle our construction activities at our mining Head Office and Jobsite.
Requirements :
- Diploma Degree in Civil Engineering / Construction.
- Have min 2 years’ experience in construction project (Preferably from Miningcompany).
- Familiar with Autocad & 3D ModellingSkechUP.
- Have strong communication and interpersonal skills
- Having the ability Writing & Reporting skill.
- Willing to be placed in our mining Jobsite.
5. Group Leader – Electrical
We are looking for an excellent individual to join our Adaro Warriors as a Group Leader – Electrical to handle our construction activities at our mining Head Office and Jobsite.
Requirements :
- Diploma Degree in Electrical Engineering.
- Have min 2 years experience in construction electrical project (Preferably from Mining company).
- Familiar with Autocad & 3D ModellingSkechUP.
- Have strong communication and interpersonal skills
- Having the ability Writing & Reporting skill.
- Willingto be placed in our mining Jobsite.
6. Internal Auditor
We are looking for an excellent individual to join our Adaro Warriors as an Internal Auditor to handle our audit activities at our mining Head Office and Jobsite.
Requirements :
- Bachelor Degree in Accountingor Industrial Engineering.
- Have min 2-5 years’ experience as Auditor, preferably from Public Accounting Firm or Mining company.
- Having knowledge of the auditor and mining activities.
- Have strong communication and interpersonal skills
- Having the ability Writing & Reporting skill.
- Willing to be placed in our mining Site at Kalimantan Selatan
7. Procurement Specialist
We are looking for an excellent individual to join our Adaro Warriors as Procurement Specialist to handle our procurement activities at our mining Head Office and Jobsite.
Requirements :
- Diploma or bachelor degree in related fields.
- Minimum two year of experience in similar role.
- Able to work in fast paced environment.
- Must possess excellency in communication & social management skills with stakeholders.
- Good knowledge on heavy equipment spare parts or other engineering components is preferred.
- Willing to be placed in the Jakarta Head Office
8. Learning & Development Specialist
We are looking for an excellent individual to join our Adaro Warriors as an Officer — Learning & Development to handle our learning & development activities at our mining Head Office and Jobsite.
Requirements :
- Diploma or bachelor degree in related fields.
- Minimum one year of experience in handling Learning & Development activities.
- Strong understanding in training need analysis principles and practices.
- Exceptional communication skills to collaborate with diverse teams.
- Willing to be placed in the Jakarta Head Office
Kelengkapan Berkas:
- Surat lamaran
- CV terbaru
- Ijazah & Transkrip nilai terakhir
- Sertifikat Pelatihan (Jika ada)
- Paklaring / Surat keterangan kerja (Jika ada)
- KTP (Jika ada)
- Kartu keluarga (Jika ada)
- Sertifikat vaksin Covid 19 (Jika ada)
- Kartu AK-1 / Kartu kuning (Jika ada)
- SKCK dari kepolisian (Jika ada)
Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran secara online:
PT Saptaindra Sejati atau PT SIS adalah salah satu perusahaan pertambangan dan pengangkutan batubara kontaktor paling dapat diandalkan dan terkemuka di Indonesia. Sebagai salah satu perusahaan jasa pertambangan batu bara terbesar di Indonesia, PT Saptaindra Sejati (SIS) bergerak dibidang jasa pertambangan terpadu dengan standar internasional bagi perusahaan-perusahaan pertambangan terkemuka di Indonesia.
PT. SAPTAINDRA SEJATI (SIS), yang merupakan bagian dari Group PT. ADARO ENERGY Tbk, adalah kontraktor pertambangan modern yang berkembang pesat dan menyediakan jasa pertambangan serta industri terkait di Kalimantan, dengan lebih dari 7200 karyawan dari berbagai keahlian. Sesuai dengan perkembangan bisnis saat ini, kami membuka kesempatan bagi mereka yang berprestasi untuk mengembangkan karir sebagai kader yang berpotensi di perusahaan kami.