Table of contents:
Lowongan Kerja PT Indo Traktor Utama
infolowongan.co.id – Lowongan kerja di PT Indo Traktor Utama
Saat ini PT Indo Traktor Utama (Indomobil Group) kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Mei 2024 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Indo Traktor Utama (Indomobil Group) Tahun 2024
Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.
Posisi Lowongan Kerja di PT Indo Traktor Utama:
1. Parts Representative
Job Description :
- Carry out the sales process
- Responsible for creating Quotations
- Responsible for Purchase Orders (PO) received from Customers
- Responsible for invoices sent to customers
- Maintain good relationships with customers
- Carry out the documentation process for receiving and releasing goods
- Ensure the quality and quantity of goods received and sent
- Keep and maintain stock Of goods in the warehouse
Requirements :
- Min. Diploma Degree (D3) from any major
- Min. 2 years experience in related positions
- Mastering of Microsoft Office Applications
- Good understanding about work safety procedures and standards in accordance with work safety laws
- Good understanding of warehouse & inventory management
- Excellent communication & selling skills
Location :
- Pekanbaru
- Medan
- Palembang
- Pontianak
- Samarinda
- Lampung
- Palu
- Surabaya
2. Order Handler & Product Support
Job Description :
- Dealer order handling up to purchase proposal (review and execution)
- Provide daily dealer order status and confirmation
- Manage Purchase Order (PO) to Principal
- Get the estimation of the parts order
- Monitoring on parts importation progress
- Follow up to branch/site on parts inquiry on price & stock availability
- Follow up up to branch/site on parts or technical question
- Follow up to principal on parts discrepancy report from branch/site
Requirements :
- Min. Diploma Degree (D3) from any major
- Fresh graduate / 0 – 1 years of work experience
- Fluent in English (will be an advantage)
- Excellent communication skills
- Able to carry out inventory calculations and analysis
- Understand about parts catalog and part number structure
- Able to use the Microsoft Dynamic AX system
Location :
3. Competence Coach
Job Description :
- Building a good image and improving after-sales service capabilities
- Carry out tasks in accordance with the Training & CD Dept. program
- Provide information regarding
- Competency Development in each competency line
- Coordinate the implementation of evaluation tests
- Responsible for developing employee competencies (service and parts)
- Responsible for making plans and implementing employee development.
Requirements :
- Min. Diploma Degree (D3) from any major
- Min. 1-3 years experience in related positions
- Fluent in English (will be an advantage)
- Excellent communication skills
- Good understanding of Safety Regulations
- Able to organize and motivate other employees
- Understand how to make reports
- Have knowledge of service and parts literature
- Understanding windows applications.
Location :
4. Mechanics 1 & 2
Job Description :
- Carry out work as best as possible according to the Work Order (WO)
- Maintain and maintain workshop equipment, tool boxes and existing facilities
- Create work reports (JTC) and daily activities (DTC)
- Responsible for the vehicle being worked on
- Perform service and maintenance on the unit
- Maintain management & customer satisfaction
- Responsible for workshop cleanliness and work safety.
Requirements :
- Min. Senior High School (SMA/SMK)
- Min. 2-4 years experience in related positions
- Skills that must be possessed: Diesel engine, Overhaul, Maintenance System, Troubleshooting, Hydraulic System, Electrical
- Experience with heavy equipment (will be an advantage)
- Have a driving license (SIM) type A
- Willing to be placed in all over Indonesia
Location :
- Mekanik 1: Balikpapan (2), Jakarta (1)
- Mekanik 2: Balikpapan (1)
5. Sales Executive
Job Description :
- Carry out the sales process in accordance with predetermined targets (focus on construction products and segments and rental companies)
- Build pipeline and maintain long-term relationship with customer
- Identify new opportunities and businesses to generate leads
- Develop annual sales strategy and goals
- Build sales network and business strategy
- Utilize and maximize tools and resources to identify new prospects and sales and build relationships with potential customers or customers.
Requirements :
- Min. Diploma Degree (D3) from any major
- Min. 3 years experience in heavy equipment company
- Fluent in English
- Excellent communication skills
- Have a driving license (SIM) type A
- Mastering the technical aspects of heavy equipment and trucks
- Understand the bidding process and repair budget.
Location :
- Banjarmasin
- Pekanbaru
- Surabaya
6. Service Operations Head
Job Description :
- Responsible for operations in the workshop and in the field as a whole, both engineering and administration.
- Maintain customer satisfaction both retail and service contracts.
- Take responsibility and ensure that services are aligned with all stakeholders
- Manage and ensure Department KPIs are appropriate
- Carrying out good operational management, fast service, at economical and efficient costs
- Coordinate with the HES team for work safety matters and HES system development.
Requirements :
- Min. Diploma Degree from any major
- Min. 3 years experience in related field
- Fluent in English
- Excellent communication & leadership skills
- Able to use Sales Force
- Have a good track record in achieving/exceeding targets
- Ability to work under pressure and target oriented.
Location :
7. Technical Support
Job Description :
- Technical advisor for customers including maintaining & supporting
- Support technical advice for design, installation, operation, start up, and commissioning
- Conduct investigations and follow up on technical problems that arise during the warranty period
- Provide input to the service supervisor regarding complaints regarding technical problems from customers
- Provide technical direction to mechanics in carrying out unit repairs
- Provide suggestions regarding modifications according to the principal’s recommendations.
Requirements :
- Min. Diploma Degree from any major
- Min. 2 years experience in related field
- Fluent in English (will be an advantage)
- Skills that must be possessed: Diesel engine, Overhaul, Maintenance System, Troubleshooting, Hydraulic System, Electrical
- Experience with heavy equipment (will be an advantage)
- Have a driving license (SIM) type A
- Willing to be placed in all over Indonesia
Location :
Jakarta, Balikpapan
Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran ke alamat email berikut:
Subject email: Position_Location_Name.
PT Indo Traktor Utama adalah anak perusahaan dari Indomobil Group, salah satu distribusi peralatan penanganan material dan truk terbesar di Indonesia. Perusahaan telah ditunjuk sebagai distributor tunggal merek-merek Eropa yang terkenal dan bereputasi baik di bidang transportasi tugas berat, peralatan pelabuhan, dan penanganan material. Ada beberapa merk yang ditangani oleh PT Indo Traktor Utama, seperti: Renault Trucks, Kalmar, Manitou, dan Mantsinen. Semua produk tersebut memiliki penetrasi yang masif dan pangsa pasar yang signifikan di masing-masing pasar.