Lowongan Kerja PT Campina Ice Cream Industry Tbk

infolowongan.co.id – Lowongan kerja di PT Campina Ice Cream Industry Tbk

Saat ini PT Campina Ice Cream Industry Tbk kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Mei 2024 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Campina Ice Cream Industry Tbk Tahun 2024

PT Campina Ice Cream Industry Tbk

Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.

Posisi Lowongan Kerja PT Campina Ice Cream Industry Tbk:

1. Quality Control Staff
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Food Technology / Chemistry
  • Have minimum 2 years experience as QC Staff
  • Have experience in implementing ISO 17025
  • Have a good analytical, leadership, teamwork and communication skill
  • Excellent command in both written and spoken English
  • Advanced in Microsoft Office
2. Quality Control Supervisor
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Food Technology / Chemistry
  • Have minimum 5 years experience as QC Staff or 3 years as QC Supervisor
  • Have experience in implementing ISO 17025
  • Expert in Quality Control Analysis process (Chemistry, Physical, Microbiology, etc)
  • Have good analytical, leadership, teamwork, and communication skill
  • Excellent command in both written and spoken English
  • Advanced in Microsoft Office
3. Quality & Food Safety Supervisor
We are seeking a qualified Quality & Food Safety Supervisor to join our team. The ideal candidate will have a Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology, Industrial Engineering, Biology, Chemical Engineering, or a related field, along with a minimum of 5 years of experience as a QA staff or 3 years as a QA Supervisor in the food industry.
  • Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology / Industrial Engineering / Biology / Chemistry Engineering or related field.
  • Minimum of 5 years of experience as a QA/QS staff or 3 years as a QA/QS Supervisor in the food industry.
  • Have training certificate in FSSC 22000, HACCP Plan assessment, Pest Management, Sistem Jaminan Halal, and Internal Auditor of FSMS is preferred.
  • Experienced as part of a Food Safety Team is highly desirable.
  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English.
  • Strong analytical skills and leadership abilities.
  • Responsible for the implementation and assistance to the Quality System Head in all activities related to Quality Management System, Food Safety Management System, and other supporting systems and programs such as Halal, GMP, Pest Management, and Zoning.
  • Create annual schedules for the implementation planning and training of Quality Management System, Food Safety Management System, Pest Management, HACCP, and GMP.
  • Coordinate with relevant departments for the implementation and development related to issues of Quality Management System, Food Safety System, GMP, Zoning, and Pest Management.
  • Coordinate with relevant departments to evaluate and monitor product handling concerning Quality and Food Safety.
  • Coordinate with third parties and internal stakeholders regarding Pest Control Management in Plant and Warehouse Campina.
  • Inspect, monitor, and verify the implementation of PRP for operational areas according to ISO TS 22002-1/2009.
  • Organize the handling of customer complaints and necessary corrective actions.
  • Coordinate the implementation of sensory tests for employees and staff from relevant Departments, including reporting.
  • Verify Non-Conformance (NC) related to product non-conformity handling, Food Safety, and PRP in Reports, Internal Memos, CAR.
  • In carrying out their duties and responsibilities, the Quality and Food Safety is authorized to take necessary actions, including:
  • Recommend and propose new methods to support Quality and Food Safety.
  • Provide training and up-to-date information, both internally and externally, to support the achievement of Quality and Food Safety performance.
4. Legal & Industrial Relation Supervisor
Are you ready to take on a leadership role in Legal and Industrial Relations within one of the leading names in the ice cream industry?
PT Campina Ice Cream Industry, Tbk is seeking an experienced and dynamic individual to join our team as a Legal & Industrial Relations Supervisor. This role offers the opportunity to drive legal compliance, foster positive employee relations, and contribute to the strategic growth of our organization.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Law
  • A minimum of 3 years of progressive experience in the fields of Legal and Industrial Relations, preferably within the manufacturing or consumer goods industry.
  • Exceptional communication skills, both verbal and written, with the ability to effectively convey complex legal concepts and negotiate with diverse stakeholders.
  • Expertise in Industrial Relations, demonstrated through successful management of employee grievances, negotiations with unions, and implementation of labor-related policies.
  • In-depth knowledge of labor law and regulations, with a proven ability to interpret and apply legal principles in a corporate setting.
  • Familiarity with managing and updating permits, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Advanced in Microsoft Office
  • Proficient in English both oral and written
Job description:
  • Manage and monitor the company’s legal validity period
  • Create and review internal and external company agreements
  • Make report to government parties
  • Handle legal administration work
  • Create and administer employee warning letters
  • Foster good relations with union, employee, company, and government
  • Enforcement of employee discipline
  • Make periodic HR Department reports
  • Initiating, extending and terminating employee contracts
5. Karyawan Utility
  • Pendidikan terakhir SMK / D3 jurusan Teknik
  • Memiliki pengalaman dibidang Utility
  • Memiliki pemahaman tentang sistem pipa amonia
  • Memiliki pengalaman menangani instalasi listrik
  • Dapat bekerja secara individu maupun tim
  • Deskripsi pekerjaan:
  • Melakukan maintenance dan service mesin pendingin, boiler, air compressor, dan water treatment.
6. Karyawan Warehouse
  • Lulusan SMK / SMA IPA
  • Memiliki pengalaman dibagian warehouse
  • Dapat dan bersedia bekerja diruangan pendingin
  • Memiliki SIO forklift yang masih aktif
  • Tidak buta warna dan mata tidak minus
  • Bukan perokok aktif
  • Telah melakukan vaksin Covid lengkap
  • Penempatan di Surabaya
  • Gaji UMK Surabaya
Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran secara online:
docs.google.com/…bBwvkQTpTcjenHg/viewform – Quality Control Supervisor
docs.google.com/…n8TEQLR_SyvKAbg/viewform – Quality & Food Safety Supervisor
docs.google.com/…wi2gCVOnclxJ3wA/viewform – Legal & Industrial Relation Supervisor
 PT Campina Ice Cream Industry Tbk adalah perusahaan asal Indonesia yang menghasilkan jenis makanan yang bermarkas di Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tanggal 22 Juli 1972. Perusahaan ini umumnya menghasilkan berbagai produk es krim. Campina selalu menghadirkan produk-produk istimewa dari bahan alami, higienis dan berkualitas.
Kelezatan es krim Campina pun semakin beragam. Tak hanya digemari oleh keluarga dan remaja, namun merebut hati pelanggan cilik. Terbukti dengan adanya kerjasama antara Campina dengan Nickelodeon yang menjadikan satu-satunya pemegang lisensi produk es krim SpongeBob SquarePants dan Avatar: The Legend of Aang di Asia Tenggara. Selain produk di atas, Campina memiliki produk yang sesuai dengan segmennya. Untuk segmen anak-anak: Fantasy, Didi Cup, Blue Jack. Segmen remaja: Concerto dan Tropicana. Segmen dewasa: Bazooka, Hula-Hula. Dan segmen keluarga: Family pack dengan berbagai rasa dan ukuran. Untuk acara-acara special, ice cream cake yang akan melengkapi kemeriahan.

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