Lowongan Kerja PT Agincourt Resources

infolowongan.co.id – Lowongan kerja di PT Agincourt Resources

Saat ini PT Agincourt Resources kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Oktober 2023 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Agincourt Resources Tahun 2023

PT Agincourt Resources

Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.

Posisi Lowongan Kerja PT Agincourt Resources:

This position will be based at the Martabe Site in the OH&S Department and report directly to the Senior Supervisor – Business System.
The role of the Officer – Reporting Administration is to:
  • In various routine internal reporting, ASTRA reporting, and government reporting, which are overseen by Business systems.
  • Such as. Forwood CRM, Incident Management, ASA, WCI, SADA forms Take 5, Hazard Reports, LV Pre-Start Checklists, and more.
  • Demands a high level of personal integrity and exceptional work accuracy, keen attention to detail, effective communication skills and the ability to engage with individuals from diverse departments. The position often involves working within specified deadlines and closely coordinating with representatives from different departments.
Candidates for this role would be expected to have the following qualifications and experience:
  • Minimum diploma or bachelor’s degree in relevant field.
  • Preferably have a minimum of two years of experience in administration.
  • Experience in an office environment is highly valued.
  • Some exposure to databases or document management systems.
  • Proficiency in Intermediate or higher levels of MS Excel, Word, and Outlook is essential. Experience with MS SharePoint is highly advantageous. Advanced proficiency in MS Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint and SharePoint is desirable.
  • Demonstrate ability to work effectively and professionally within a team, with a willingness to work under pressure to meet deadlines.
This position will be based at Konawe Utara Site in MPD Pool Project Department and reports directly to Superintendent – Corporate Planning and Management.
The role of the Junior Supervisor – Corporate Planinng and Management – Affco Development is to:
  • Represent Corporate Planning and Management within Affiliated companies.
  • Support organizations in enhancing business performance by:
  • Formulating, deploying, monitoring, and reviewing policies and strategic management activities (PDCA cycle) and providing business consultancy within the company’s defined scope.
  • Implementing a quality management system (QMS) within the internal scope of the company.
  • Conducting innovation management activities within the company’s internal scope.
  • Overseeing strategic projects and providing internal consultancy within the company’s internal scope
Candidates for this role would be expected to have the following qualifications and experience:
  • Hold a minimum of university degree in IT, engineering or management & business field; preference will be given to those with a background in IT Data Management/Programming or Industrial Engineering.
  • Proficiency in both written and verbal English and Bahasa is required.
  • Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply; having a minimum of 1 year of experience in a related role is desirable.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office is essential; basic technological and digitalization competencies are advantageous.
  • Demonstrated strong communication skills are necessary
This position will be situated at the Martabe Site within the Operations TSF Department and will report directly to the TSF Engineer.
The Junior Engineer – Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) is responsible for aiding the engineering in ensuring that the TSF is constructed in accordance with design specification and quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) standarts. They oversee TSF Instrumentation Monitoring to ensure effective reporting and interpretation, including controls for Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) management Additionaly, this role involves supervising and reporting on QA/QC activities related to field testing and laboratory testing. The Engineer TSF also accountable for TSF geotechnical instrumentation , including installation procedurs.
Applicants for this positions should meet the following qualifications and experience requirements:
  • Posses a Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineer/Geology (with a Geotechnical Major).
  • Have 1-2 years of experience in mining or civil works related to geotechnical engineering.
  • Possess a strong understanding of soil mechanic and experience with soil laboratory testing. Certification in soil laboratory prosedures is desirable.
  • Demonstrate profiency in geotechnical instrumentation.
  • Exhibit computer literacy, particularly in Microsoft Excel, Word, Power Point, Outlook, Internet usage. Familiarity with software such as Plaxis, Slide, AutoCAD or Surpac is advantageous.
  • Have a effective communication skill.
Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran secara online:
[PENDAFTARAN] – Officer – Reporting Administration
[PENDAFTARAN] – Junior Supervisor Corporate Planinng And Management – Affco Development
[PENDAFTARAN] – Junior Engineer – Tailings Storage Facility
Lowongan Kerja PT Agincourt Resources – PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) adalah sebuah perusahaan pertambangan dengan basis di Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang eksplorasi, penambangan, dan pengolahan mineral batangan emas dan perak. Satu-satunya tempat operasinya adalah di Tambang Emas Martabe di Sumatera. Fungsi-fungsi perusahaan dikelola dari Jakarta.
PT Agincourt Resources mempekerjakan lebih dari 3.000 karyawan dan kontraktor, di mana lebih dari 99% di antaranya adalah warga negara Indonesia, dan lebih dari 70% di antaranya direkrut dari penduduk setempat.

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